Grace Lutheran Church

Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church!

We greet you in the name of Jesus, our LORD! 
You are invited to come and worship as we gather at 10am every Sunday.
We join together for in-person worship at 10am on Sunday mornings. We would love to have you worship with us as a visitor, vacationer or a new community member!
Worship services are also available virtually weekly on Grace’s website, YouTube page, and Facebook page.
We humbly seek Jesus in our world and lives today. Join us, an imperfect people following a perfect God!

Come and worship, Come and experience!

Let us journey together where God is moving and leading in our lives and world.

Join us for worship as we wonder together what life ‘in Christ’ and life ‘in this world’ is like knowing that Jesus has Risen and sent the Holy Spirit to call, gather, enlighten and make holy!